
Vyhmeister, Shawna


Learning to Teach Adults: Principles of Adult Education
in the Writings of Ellen White

Klingbeil, Chantal & Klingbeil, Gerald

Barriers to Participation in Research for College Faculty
Vyhmeister, Shawna & Vyhmeister, Ronald

The Impact of Spirituality on Academic Performance 
Fukofuka, Sunia

Language Learners and School Readiness: A Case Study of Two Korean Boys
Choo Chung Ok

A Study of the Health Status of Filipino Workers in Selected Seventh -day Adventist Institutions in the Philippines
Segovia-Siapco, Gina

Opinions on Family and Social Issues Associated with Religious Practice in Southeast Asia 
Perry, Graeme

Teaching Actively: Eight Steps and 32 Strategies to Spark Learning in Any Classroom
Silberman, M.
Reviewed by Prema Gaikwad

The Theory of Money and Banking in Modern Times
Mzumara, M.
Reviewed by Khin Maung Kyi


Opinions on Family and Social Issues Associated with Religious Practice in Southeast Asia 

Abstract: This second part of the data analysis of a large sample of Seventh-day Adventist church members addresses opinions and practices relating to family and social issues. It identifies differences in opinion with age, gender, religious orientation and region of church membership.  It challenges church professionals to acknowledge the level of polarization of opinion and to develop strategies that will maintain cohesiveness of belief yet accommodate perspectives within the social dynamics of developing SE Asian countries.

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Perry, Graeme



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