Values and Ethics   
Vyhmeister, Shawna


Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Values: Revealing the Invisible   
Gaikwad, Prema

Transfer of Learning: Where Have We Failed? 
Krishnan, Edward Roy

The Integration of Values and Business (IVB) in SDA Organizations in the Metro Manila Area: An Observation    
Nasution, Eric Y

Experiences with Service-Learning as Perceived by
Students, Faculty, and Community Partners Involved
with the Master of Public Health Program at the
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies 

Rondonuwu, Joppi & Milton Alberto Mesa

Information Technology and Value Creation  
Vyhmeister, Ronald

Alternative Medicine: A Christian Handbook
Mathuna and Walt, Larimore
Reviewed by Evelyn V. Almocera

Creative Curriculum Leadership: Inspiring and
Empowering Your School Community

Brubaker, Dale L
Reviewed by Bienvisa L. Nebres

Conducting a Successful Fundraising Program
Dove, Kent E
Reviewed by Moldy R. Mambu 


The Integration of Values and Business (IVB) in SDA Organizations in the Metro Manila Area: An Observation  

Abstract:  Often business is taken for granted, even by SDA administrators.  The integration of values and business is not dealt with in a practical and systematic manner. The inclusion of SDA values, while commendable, is not enough.  What is called for is the actual integration of values and business–a much needed concept in the development of faith and ethics in the daily business life of SDA administrators.  This study (n = 15) had 80% male respondents, more than half of whom were over 51 years old. About two-thirds of the respondents have been serving the SDA organization for more than 21 years. Nearly three-fourths of them had become Seventh-day Adventists because of their parents’ influence.  The IVB model presented in this article focuses on the business relationships developed by four SDA organizations in the area of Metro Manila , with their higher organization, employees (n = 66), and the respective public population (n = 70) as the main parties with whom they integrated values. The study concluded that SDA administrators were mostly perceived to integrate values with their respective public clientele, and not completely with their higher organization or employees.

Nasution, Eric Y

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